Apr 3, 2024

'C' Computer Technology

Wired to Wireless

      Back in the day...let's say in the mid 1990's, my first Personal Computer was delivered, unpacked, and setup on my desk close to an electrical outlet. Determined to learn all about using my PC the 'Quick Setup' instruction novel covered most of the desktop. Step 2 or 3 went right over my head with 'Setting up your PC Desktop'...what the www/: it is on my desktop!!!
     How hard can it be?  I just want to Email and Blog. So, I began studying up on computers via my 1961 Webster New Collegiate Dictionary.
     ~ com.put.er \kem-'pyut-er\ n: one that computes; specifically an automatic electronic machine for performing calculations.
~world.wide.web\ huh?\ see giant spider
 I went on to looking up BLOG.  IT WAS NOT THERE! 
So, I made up my own Definition.....
BLOG - A place on the InterNet or EnterNet or InnerNet....none in 1961 Webster....a place on the WorldWideWeb. Blogging on the WWW/: was  where ANYBODY in the whole wide world via their Personal Computer(PC) share 'Information with other people known as Bloggers, who share their ramblings and then want lots more Bloggers to comment on their Blog.  The Information is sent to somewhere in OuterSpace via WonderWhereWireless wires to this WonderWhereWeb which then spins it off to the intended Receivers PC via their SecretCode that only they and their InterNetProvider know.....unfortunately, we have learned that the Provider or the WWW  CanNot keep a secret!

In this, the 21st Century, I'm on my second or third PC. Have a laptop, tablet and cell phone all running wirelessly, but sometimes not effortlessly.  Wireless? I don't know about you, but I have a tangle of wires behind my PC that makes cooked spaghetti look straight. How they got wireless out of that mess, beats me, especially when even 1961 Webster defines wireless as having no wires.

Thanks for visiting Where Bluebonnets Grow
All photos by Sue McPeak ©reserved


  1. My oldest got a Tandy Color Computer 3 when he was quite young, that was our first step into the computer world! No internet. He upgraded over the years, and now is a Computer Scientist working at an Ivy League. So people, encourage and enable your 5 year old's interests! The first the family used (bought for the other kids) was one of those advertised on TV, with a choice of Barbie or Hot Wheels! We got the Hot Wheels, better games! My brother said it was a "toy" but it worked like a regular computer, just cute. We gave it to my mother when we got "real" ones, and she used it daily online.

  2. Was a Mac or a Window computer? I have found a Window computer seemed a bit more complicated to new users.

    Wireless is certainly an odd thing because no matter what, we will always have wires because no gadget or computer will ever not need power and getting power means charging and charging means wires.

    Have a lovely day.

    ~ My A-Z posts are here ~

  3. I purchased my first computer in late 1997. Went online using a browser called Mosaic and a dial up modem. I would fold laundry while my emails downloaded. I had used computers at work back in the 1980's and remember Windows 3.1 and the horror it was. But DOS was the real nightmare. Today's software is a dream to use, in comparison. When it works. I don't like needing all those devices but the modern world forces you into it.


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